Autoren, Studien und Quellen
Autoren und Prüfung Inhalte:

DI Dr. Dieter Kropfreiter
Redaktion & Medizintechnische Qualitätssicherung
Dieter Kropfreiter betreibt seit Langem wissenschaftliche Forschung im Bereich biomedizinischer Technik.
Er ist Initiator mehrerer Biofeedback-Organisationen (so z. B. Ehrenmitglied der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biofeedback).

Mag. Bettina Seitlinger
Psychologische Qualitätssicherung
Klinische Psychologin, Biofeedback-Therapeutin sowie Dozentin an der Europäischen Biofeedback-Akademie.
Sie sammelte umfassende praktische Biofeedback-Erfahrungen in der EMCO-Privat Klinik, der Universität Salzburg und bei Insight Instruments.
Allgemeine Quellen (Bücher und Reviews):
- Martin, A., & Rief, W. (2009). Wie wirksam ist Biofeedback? Eine therapeutische Methode. Bern: Huber.
- G. Tan, F. Shaffer, R. Lyle, & I. Teo (Eds.). Evidence-based practice in biofeedback and neurofeedback (3rd ed.). Wheat Ridge, CO: Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback.
- Haus, K. M., Held, C., Kowalski, A., Krombholz, A., Nowak, M., Schneider, E., … & Wiedemann, M. (2013). Praxisbuch Biofeedback und Neurofeedback. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Quellen zu den einzelnen Anwendungsgebieten
Stress und Burnout:
- Pirker-Binder, I. Biofeedback im Einsatz gegen Stress, stressbedingte Beschwerden und Burnout.
- Purwandini Sutarto, A., Abdul Wahab, M. N., & Mat Zin, N. (2012). Resonant breathing biofeedback training for stress reduction among manufacturing operators. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 18(4), 549-561.
- Ratanasiripong, P., Kaewboonchoo, O., Ratanasiripong, N., Hanklang, S., & Chumchai, P. (2015). Biofeedback Intervention for Stress, Anxiety, and Depression among Graduate Students in Public Health Nursing. Nursing research and practice, 2015.
- Kotozaki, Y., Takeuchi, H., Sekiguchi, A., Yamamoto, Y., Shinada, T., Araki, T., … & Kawashima, R. (2014). Biofeedback‐based training for stress management in daily hassles: an intervention study. Brain and behavior, 4(4), 566-579.
- Jarasiunaite, G., Perminas, A., Gustainiene, L., Peciuliene, I., & Kavaliauskaite-Keserauskiene, R. (2015). BIOFEEDBACK-ASSISTED RELAXATION AND PROGRESSIVE MUSCLE RELAXATION POTENTIAL FOR ENHANCING STUDENTS’DISTRESS TOLERANCE. European Scientific Journal, 11(2).
- Riemann, D., & Perlis, M. L. (2009). The treatments of chronic insomnia: a review of benzodiazepine receptor agonists and psychological and behavioral therapies. Sleep medicine reviews, 13(3), 205-214.
Morbus Raynaud:
- Karavidas, M. K., Tsai, P. S., Yucha, C., McGrady, A., & Lehrer, P. M. (2006). Thermal biofeedback for primary Raynaud’s phenomenon: A review of the literature. Applied psychophysiology and biofeedback, 31(3), 203-216.
- Ford, M. R. (1982). Biofeedback treatment for headaches, Raynaud’s disease, essential hypertension, and irritable bowel syndrome: A review of the long-term follow-up literature. Biofeedback and Self-regulation, 7(4), 521-536.
- Freedman, R. R., & Ianni, P. (1983). Role of cold and emotional stress in Raynaud’s disease and scleroderma. British Medical Journal, 287, 1499–1502.
- Freedman, R. R., Sabharwal, S. G., Ianni, P., Desai, N., Wenig, P., & Mayes, M. (1988). Nonneural beta-adrenergic vasodilating mechanism in temperature biofeedback. Psychosomatic Medicine, 50, 394–401.
- Inglis, J., Donald, M. W., Monga, T. N., Sproule, M., & Young, M. J. (1984). Electromyographic biofeedback and physical therapy of the hemiplegic upper limb. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 65(12), 755-759.
- Stanton, R., Ada, L., Dean, C. M., & Preston, E. (2011). Biofeedback improves activities of the lower limb after stroke: a systematic review. Journal of physiotherapy, 57(3), 145-155.
- Moreland, J. D., Thomson, M. A., & Fuoco, A. R. (1998). Electromyographic biofeedback to improve lower extremity function after stroke: a meta-analysis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 79(2), 134-140.
- Basmajian, J. V., Kukulka, C. G., Narayan, M. G., & Takebe, K. (1975). Biofeedback treatment of foot-drop after stroke compared with standard rehabilitation technique: effects on voluntary control and strength. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 56(6), 231-236.
Erektile Dysfunktion:
- Prota, C., Gomes, C. M., Ribeiro, L. H. S., de Bessa, J., Nakano, E., Dall’Oglio, M., … & Srougi, M. (2012). Early postoperative pelvic-floor biofeedback improves erectile function in men undergoing radical prostatectomy: a prospective, randomized, controlled trial. International journal of impotence research, 24(5), 174-178.
- Dorey, G., Speakman, M. J., Feneley, R. C., Swinkels, A., & Dunn, C. D. (2005). Pelvic floor exercises for erectile dysfunction. BJU international, 96(4), 595-597.
- Barnes, J., Bowman, E. P., & Cullen, J. (1984). Biofeedback as an adjunct to psychotherapy in the treatment of vaginismus. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 9(3), 281-289.
- McDowell, B. J., Engberg, S., Sereika, S., Donovan, N., Jubeck, M. E., Weber, E., & Engberg, R. (1999). Effectiveness of behavioral therapy to treat incontinence in homebound older adults. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 47(3), 309-318.
- Dougherty, M. C., Dwyer, J. W., Pendergast, J. F., Boyington, A. R., Tomlinson, B. U., Coward, R. T., … & Rooks, L. G. (2002). A randomized trial of behavioral management for continence with older rural women. Research in nursing & health, 25(1), 3-13.
- Berghmans, L. C. M., Frederiks, C. M. A., De Bie, R. A., Weil, E. H. J., Smeets, L. W. H., Van Waalwijk van Doorn, E. S. C., & Janknegt, R. A. (1996). Efficacy of biofeedback, when included with pelvic floor muscle exercise treatment, for genuine stress incontinence. Neurourology and urodynamics, 15(1), 37-52.
- Liedl, A., Knaevelsrud, C., & Müller, J. (2013). Trauma und Schmerz: Manual zur Behandlung traumatisierter Schmerzpatienten. Schattauer Verlag.
- Bassotti, G., Chistolini, F., Sietchiping-Nzepa, F., De Roberto, G., Morelli, A., & Chiarioni, G. (2004). Biofeedback for pelvic floor dysfunction in constipation. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 328(7436), 393.
- Woodward, S., Norton, C., & Chiarelli, P. (2014). Biofeedback for treatment of chronic idiopathic constipation in adults. The Cochrane Library.
- Enck, P., Van der Voort, I. R., & Klosterhalfen, S. (2009). Biofeedback therapy in fecal incontinence and constipation. Neurogastroenterology & Motility, 21(11), 1133-1141.
- Palsson, O. S., Heymen, S., & Whitehead, W. E. (2004). Biofeedback treatment for functional anorectal disorders: a comprehensive efficacy review. Applied psychophysiology and biofeedback, 29(3), 153-174.
- Simón, M. A., & Bueno, A. M. (2009). Behavioural treatment of the dyssynergic defecation in chronically constipated elderly patients: a randomized controlled trial. Applied psychophysiology and biofeedback, 34(4), 273.
- Barnes, J., Bowman, E. P., & Cullen, J. (1984). Biofeedback as an adjunct to psychotherapy in the treatment of vaginismus. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 9(3), 281-289.
- McDowell, B. J., Engberg, S., Sereika, S., Donovan, N., Jubeck, M. E., Weber, E., & Engberg, R. (1999). Effectiveness of behavioral therapy to treat incontinence in homebound older adults. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 47(3), 309-318.
- Dougherty, M. C., Dwyer, J. W., Pendergast, J. F., Boyington, A. R., Tomlinson, B. U., Coward, R. T., … & Rooks, L. G. (2002). A randomized trial of behavioral management for continence with older rural women. Research in nursing & health, 25(1), 3-13.
- Berghmans, L. C. M., Frederiks, C. M. A., De Bie, R. A., Weil, E. H. J., Smeets, L. W. H., Van Waalwijk van Doorn, E. S. C., & Janknegt, R. A. (1996). Efficacy of biofeedback, when included with pelvic floor muscle exercise treatment, for genuine stress incontinence. Neurourology and urodynamics, 15(1), 37-52.
- Munafò, M., Patron, E., & Palomba, D. (2015). Improving Managers’ Psychophysical Well-Being: Effectiveness of Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia Biofeedback. Applied psychophysiology and biofeedback, 1-11.
- Purwandini Sutarto, A., Abdul Wahab, M. N., & Mat Zin, N. (2012). Resonant breathing biofeedback training for stress reduction among manufacturing operators. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 18(4), 549-561.
- Jarasiunaite, G., Perminas, A., Gustainiene, L., Peciuliene, I., & Kavaliauskaite-Keserauskiene, R. (2015). BIOFEEDBACK-ASSISTED RELAXATION AND PROGRESSIVE MUSCLE RELAXATION POTENTIAL FOR ENHANCING STUDENTS’DISTRESS TOLERANCE. European Scientific Journal, 11(2).
- Kotozaki, Y., Takeuchi, H., Sekiguchi, A., Yamamoto, Y., Shinada, T., Araki, T., … & Kawashima, R. (2014). Biofeedback‐based training for stress management in daily hassles: an intervention study. Brain and behavior, 4(4), 566-579.
- SUTARTO, A. P., & WAHAB, M. N. B. A. Biofeedback Technique for Improving Human Operator’s Cognitive Performance.
- Kern-Buell, C.L., McGrady, A.V., Conran, P.B., & Nelson, L.A. (2000). Asthma severity, psychophysiological indicators of arousal, and immune function in asthma patients undergoing biofeedback-assisted relaxation. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 25(2), 79-91.
- Lehrer, P., Carr, R.E., Smetankine, A., Vaschillo, E., Peper, E., Porges, S., et al. (1997). Respiratory sinus arrhythmia versus neck/trapezius EMG and incentive inspirometry biofeedback for asthma: A pilot study. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 22(2), 95-109.
- Lehrer, P., Smetankin, A., & Potapova, T. (2000). Respiratory sinus arrhythmia biofeedback therapy for asthma: A report of 20 unmedicated pediatric cases using the Smetankin method Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 25(3), 193-200.
- Breslau, N., Merikangas, K., & Bowden, C. L. (1994). Comorbidity of migraine and major affective disorders. Neurology.
- Evers, S., May, A., Fritsche, G., Kropp, P., Lampl, C., Limmroth, V., … & Diener, H. C. (2008). Leitlinie der Deutschen Migräne- und Kopfschmerzgesellschaft und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurologie. Nervenheilkunde, 27, 933-949.
- Mercuri, L. G., Olson, R. E., & Laskin, D. M. (1979). The specificity of response to experimental stress in patients with myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome. Journal of Dental Research, 58(9), 1866-1871.
- Shetty, S., Pitti, V., Babu, C. S., Kumar, G. S., & Deepthi, B. C. (2010). Bruxism: a literature review. The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society, 10(3), 141-148.
- Cassisi, J. E., McGlynn, F. D., & Belles, D. R. (1987). EMG-activated feedback alarms for the treatment of nocturnal bruxism: current status and future directions. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 12(1), 13-30.
- Hijzen, T. H., Slangen, J. L., & Houweligen, H. C. (1986). Subjective, clinical and EMG effects of biofeedback and splint treatment. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 13(6), 529-539.
- Feehan, M., & Marsh, N. (1989). The reduction of bruxism using contingent EMG audible biofeedback: a case study. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 20(2), 179-183.
- Evers, S., May, A., Fritsche, G., Kropp, P., Lampl, C., Limmroth, V., … & Diener, H. C. (2008). Leitlinie der Deutschen Migräne-und Kopfschmerzgesellschaft und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurologie. Nervenheilkunde, 27, 933-949.
- Cott, A., Parkinson, W., Fabich, M., Bédard, M., & Marlin, R. (1992). Long-term efficacy of combined relaxation: biofeedback treatments for chronic headache. Pain, 51(1), 49-56.
- Bruns, T., & Praun, N. (2002). Biofeedback: ein Handbuch für die therapeutische Praxis; mit 15 Tabellen. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Duric, N. S., Assmus, J., Gundersen, D., & Elgen, I. B. (2012). Neurofeedback for the treatment of children and adolescents with ADHD: a randomized and controlled clinical trial using parental reports. BMC psychiatry, 12(1), 107. - Meisel, V., Servera, M., Garcia-Banda, G., Cardo, E., & Moreno, I. (2014). Reprint of “Neurofeedback and standard pharmacological intervention in ADHD: a randomized controlled trial with six-month follow-up”. Biological psychology, 95, 116-125.
- Steiner, N. J., Frenette, E. C., Rene, K. M., Brennan, R. T., & Perrin, E. C. (2014). In-school neurofeedback training for ADHD: sustained improvements from a randomized control trial. Pediatrics, peds-2013.
Angst und Panik:
- Wilhelm, F. H., Gevirtz, R., & Roth, W. T. (2001). Respiratory Dysregulation in Anxiety, Functional Cardiac, and Pain Disorders: Assessment, Phenomenology, and Treatment. Behavior Modification, 25(4), 513-545. doi: 10.1177/0145445501254003.
- Polak, A. R., Witteveen, A. B., Denys, D., & Olff, M. (2015). Breathing biofeedback as an adjunct to exposure in cognitive behavioral therapy hastens the reduction of PTSD symptoms: a pilot study. Applied psychophysiology and biofeedback, 40(1), 25-31.
- Ratanasiripong, P., Sverduk, K., Prince, J., & Hayashino, D. (2012). Biofeedback and counseling for stress and anxiety among college students. Journal of College Student Development, 53(5), 742-749.
- Brauer, A. (1999). Biofeedback and Anxiety. Psychiatric Times, 16(2), 1-2.
- Meuret, A. E., Wilhelm, F. H., Ritz, T., & Rith, W. T. (2008). Feedback of End-Tidal pCO2 as a Therapeutic Approach for Panic Disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 42(7), 560-568. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2007.06.005.
- Reiner, R. (2008). Integrating a Portable Biofeedback Device into Clinical Practice for Probands with Anxiety Disorders: Results of a Pilot Study. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 33, 55-61. doi: 10.1007/s10484-007-9046-6.
- Karavidas, M. K., Lehrer, P. M., Vaschillo, E., Vaschillo, B., Marin, H., Buyske, S., … & Hassett, A. (2007). Preliminary results of an open label study of heart rate variability biofeedback for the treatment of major depression. Applied psychophysiology and biofeedback, 32(1), 19-30.
- Ratanasiripong, P., Kaewboonchoo, O., Ratanasiripong, N., Hanklang, S., & Chumchai, P. (2015). Biofeedback Intervention for Stress, Anxiety, and Depression among Graduate Students in Public Health Nursing. Nursing research and practice, 2015.
- Siepmann, M., Aykac, V., Unterdörfer, J., Petrowski, K., & Mueck-Weymann, M. (2008). A pilot study on the effects of heart rate variability biofeedback in patients with depression and in healthy subjects. Applied psychophysiology and biofeedback, 33(4), 195-201.
- (Abruf am 23.05.2017)
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- Kessler, R. C., Sonnega, A., Bromet, E., Hughes, M., & Nelson, C. B. (1995). Posttraumatic stress disorder in the National Comorbidity Survey. Archives of general psychiatry, 52(12), 1048-1060.
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- Polak, A. R., Witteveen, A. B., Denys, D., & Olff, M. (2015). Breathing biofeedback as an adjunct to exposure in cognitive behavioral therapy hastens the reduction of PTSD symptoms: a pilot study. Applied psychophysiology and biofeedback, 40(1), 25-31.
- Tan, G., Dao, T. K., Farmer, L., Sutherland, R. J., & Gevirtz, R. (2011). Heart rate variability (HRV) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD): a pilot study. Applied psychophysiology and biofeedback, 36(1), 27-35.
- Liedl, A., Knaevelsrud, C., & Müller, J. (2013). Trauma und Schmerz: Manual zur Behandlung traumatisierter Schmerzpatienten. Schattauer Verlag.
- Margaret Dupee, Penny Werthner, and Tanya Forneris (2015) A Preliminary Study on the Relationship Between Athletes’ Ability to Self-Regulate and World Ranking. Biofeedback: Summer 2015, Vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 57-63.
- Lagos, L., Vaschillo, E., Vaschillo, B., Lehrer, P., Bates, M., & Pandina, R. (2008). Heart rate variability biofeedback as a strategy for dealing with competitive anxiety: A case study. Biofeedback, 36(3), 109.
- Kessler, R. C., Sonnega, A., Bromet, E., Hughes, M., & Nelson, C. B. (1995). Posttraumatic stress disorder in the National Comorbidity Survey. Archives of general psychiatry, 52(12), 1048-1060.
- Steel, Z., Chey, T., Silove, D., Marnane, C., Bryant, R. A., & Van Ommeren, M. (2009). Association of torture and other potentially traumatic events with mental health outcomes among populations exposed to mass conflict and displacement: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Jama, 302(5), 537-549.
- Polak, A. R., Witteveen, A. B., Denys, D., & Olff, M. (2015). Breathing biofeedback as an adjunct to exposure in cognitive behavioral therapy hastens the reduction of PTSD symptoms: a pilot study. Applied psychophysiology and biofeedback, 40(1), 25-31.
- Tan, G., Dao, T. K., Farmer, L., Sutherland, R. J., & Gevirtz, R. (2011). Heart rate variability (HRV) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD): a pilot study. Applied psychophysiology and biofeedback, 36(1), 27-35.
- Liedl, A., Knaevelsrud, C., & Müller, J. (2013). Trauma und Schmerz: Manual zur Behandlung traumatisierter Schmerzpatienten. Schattauer Verlag.